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Generative AI for Digital Product Management for Enterprises


Generative ai is an artificial intelligence technique where the description of the task that the AI is supposed to accomplish is expressed as a series of prompts to a large language model like GPT. Because Prompts are expressed in a  natural language format, English becomes the most important programming language (to paraphrase the quote from  Andrej Karpathy of Tesla/OpenAI). Generative ai is simply the art of working with AI (specifically, large language models like GPT)  to get the most out of AI to solve our problems. While generative ai is an art, it is also a science because we need to trust the output of AI and apply the insights in a larger problem domain.

Generative ai is one of the hottest topics today. However, despite the opportunities, it's a complex and confusing subject for professionals. There are many questions before you can apply generative ai to your domain of expertise to produce valuable and innovative artifacts. In this context, we refer to an artifact as any content (text, image, or code) created in collaboration with generative AI.

The course Generative ai for digital creatives and knowledge workers is designed for professionals and designers who want to apply generative ai to develop innovative artifacts that can be used professionally. Generative AI will impact both digital creatives and knowledge workers - but these professions also have an opportunity to leverage the power of generative AI. 


The need for knowledgable workers and digital creatives

A knowledgable worker is typically defined as an individual who primarily deals with knowledge, information, and intellectual tasks as a core part of their job. Unlike workers engaged in manual labor or repetitive tasks, knowledge workers rely on their expertise, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity to perform their work effectively.

The term "digital creative" refers to individuals who use digital tools and technologies to express their creativity and produce artistic or design-oriented work. Digital creatives leverage various digital mediums, software applications, and technologies to create visual content, interactive experiences, or multimedia projects.

The course encompasses a total of eight modules. Each module will be delivered through live three-hour online sessions. The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of generative ai, including:

  • Foundations of AI and large language models
  • Generative ai design and workflow
  • Prompting strategies and techniques
  • Challenges and complexities in generative ai
  • Application of AI prompts across diverse industry verticals for digital creatives and knowledge workers
  • Ethical Considerations and future developments in the Field
  • Design thinking and systems thinking for creating AI applications through generative ai

We aim to empower participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in AI-driven solutions across many domains by offering an in-depth exploration of generative ai and its practical applications.

Course Outcome

After this course, you should be able to iteratively improve an initial design created by AI using design thinking and systems thinking strategies in an interdisciplinary and multimodal framework.

The course provides you:

  • Personalized attention
  • Details of generative ai
  • A Design methodology based on problem formulation and learning to create generative AI applications.
  • Tools based on generative ai
  • A global, experienced team who you can work with
  • A Build strategy based on generative ai and design templates,
  • Use cases, i.e., artifacts that can be built
  • Responsible AI
  • Evolution of technology - specifically GPT-4 multimodal strategies and AI Agent-based modeling


Course Outline

Registration and Contact Information

Note:  Registrants from outside the continetal US must pay by wire transfer, see instructions below)

  • Online click here to register online.
  • Fax the registration form to 618/453-5680 or email** to
  • Register by phone with a credit card by calling Events and Outreach at 618/536-7751. 
  • Registrants outside the continental US, click here

*Online registration closes 1 week prior to the start of each course. 

For more information about the course offerings, contact Pinkney Benedict at 

For assistance with registration, contact Rebecca Dycus at or call 618/536-7751. .